Today really felt like fall. The temps were only in the 70's and it was beautiful outside. Lindsey had preschool until 11:30 and then she played outside all day. I did manage to rangle her inside for Dinner and then she was back out until dark. She is a true outdoor girl. After bathtime they both fell into bed.

The picture at the top of my blog was taken last fall. They were patiently waiting for the columbines to come back by. Harvest time is a big deal in our farming communtiy. Lukas loves to watch the trackers working. Tonight they worked with there Daddy taking down that fence between us and the field. This year it was soy beans, next year it will be corn. It looks so much better now that all the weeds and other depree are all gone. We will eventually put up a new fence, but I am kind of liking it without it.

Until Next Time,