This white iron bed was mine when I was little. I forgot the take the before picture of the foot board before I began, but you get the idea. My mom bought it at a yard sale and my Dad painted it white. I never liked it growing up because it was old. My Mom always had antiques in the house and like any typical little girl I wanted what all my friends had and that was a canopy bed, not an antique iron bed.
So I decided to paint it green and use it in my daughters room. She is only 4 and hasn't discoved canopy beds or whatever is cool nowadays!
I still have the headboard and rails to paint.
The next project will be a step stool to go with it.

I used this paint.
I bought this paint because it said it had 2x's the coverage. I don't know about that. I only got the footboard painted with one can. I thought I could bo both foot and head board. But I was wrong. It is called Green Apple.

Here is the in progress picture. OK so maybe if I got more paint on the bed and not the cardboard, one can would have worked. :)

Here is the finished product. I think it turned out cute! What do you think?